Kelowna Seniors Home Support have very reasonable rates in order to help all seniors through their services.

Other Services

Kelowna Seniors Home Support is flexible in the type of help we give.

Although we have divided up the majority of our homecare supports into specific services, we are completely flexible and will adapt our visits to whatever you need.

While our main focus is on services to seniors, our support can be adapted to any adult of any age, with any level of disability.

    Whether you are a senior or an adult with a disability that restricts mobility inside or outside the home, please feel free to contact us about our services.

    • We will adapt our services to meet your needs.
    • We can give you as many or as few services as you require.
    • To discuss what services may be required, please call us at 250-808-0830, and we can give you a quote based on your needs.

    Please feel free to contact us if you could benefit from our help - we can provide any of our services as often as you need us!